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CNE AG Innovations is an authorised dealer for Swift sprayers. The team at CNE are able to manage all your needs when it comes to any Swift product.
An approachable sales team and a full parts department stocking a wide range of Swift parts. If you require a part not stocked, we will endevour to have it shipped to you with minimal downtime.
Our trained network of CNE partners located around the state creating a wide coverage of servicing that enables us to provide a local genuine service by people you know and trust.


Silvereye 600 (6m) $5,912.50
Silvereye 600 (8m) $6,325.00
Silvereye 800 (8m) $7,584.50
Silvereye 800 (10m) $7,694.50
Silvereye 1000 (12m) $11,495.00
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