CNE Ag Innovations is a family owned and operated business operating out of Kewdale, Perth W.A. Formerly a farming family for 3 generations, we saw a change with-in the industry that was starting to shift towards a more corporatized outlook, moving everything with it, including the equipment/machinery required.

Our aim is to supply and support genuine products for genuine people, no matter the size of the operation.
CNE Ag Innovations are ‘stoked’ to be at site 106 at the 2020 Wagin Woolorama.
CNE will be displaying the locally manufactured CGS multi spreaders, built by CGS Engineers in Kojonup.
There will be a 14t hydraulic drive, ISOBUS Multi-Spreader on show, fitted on a 3m load cell suspended axle. Accompanied by the new 4t, 3-point linkage CGS Multi-Spreader, also fitted with hydraulic drive, loadcells and ISO-Bus.
These spreaders are built locally with a long-term durability front of mind, they are proven to withstand the test of time in all our Australian conditions. Whilst also offering the latest in spreading technology. – Come see for yourself just how well built they are.
CNE Ag Innovations will also have on display a Self-Propelled Hardi Saritor, equipped with 6200 Litre Tank & 36.5m Aluminium Boom. A Hardi specialist will be on hand for any technical or sales enquiries.
CNE Ag Innovations are wrapped to be aligned with Hardi Australia, offering all Sales, Service and Parts of the complete Hardi product range from Kewdale, Perth. There will be a Demo & Drive day organised with the Hardi SP Saritor, for the following week of the woolorama, within the area. For more details come have a chat to the CNE Ag Innovations crew at site 106!